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REBA Testing

   REBA testing is energetic testing which locates areas of imbalance and blockage. The REBA device can be used for testing of medications and supplements as well. It is used to determine the origin/nature of imbalance and selecting remedies which will be effective in resolving the issue(s).

   The REBA device creates low frequency sound waves which match the delta, theta, alpha, and beta waves in the human brain. Each type of brain wave relates to a specific behavioural and emotional capacity and the device allows us to measure which areas are out of balance. With this information, we can then see which areas are draining you and bring these waves back into optimal ranges. Once the brain is working better, the body is then able to process things like trauma and stress in our subconscious mind, often producing vivid dreams.

  Many physical problems have their roots in our emotional lives. Western Medicine is only beginning to map out the connection between the body and mind, but traditional medicines around the world have supported these connections for thousands of years. Psychological and physical health are interdependent and REBA testing focuses on these overlaps. The REBA device was developed by a European doctor to quantitatively test the subtle energy field of the brain. As a normal human compensating response, people will block memory, actually altering the chemistry of neurotransmitters inside the brain. When we are able to measure this, we can identify remedies that will target your particular imbalances. Flushing out the emotional blockages allows us to resolve the roots of what has been causing us to feel tired all the time.

During your first REBA testing session, we would establish your own unique baselines for your delta, theta, alpha, and beta brain waves. Just as a dog can hear a dog whistle, but we cannot, our bodies and brains are affected and react to the sound waves generated by the REBA device. You may feel a stress response, somewhat like nails on a chalkboard, even though you won’t hear the sound itself. The body responds to this fight or flight stimuli by tightening certain muscles, which can be measured in a change in the length of your arms. This reaction is involuntary but visible and measurable. The data that we gather will show us the balance of each of your types of brain waves. Often we find one set of waves are either over-functioning or under-functioning during stress. This is unique to each person and we can then introduce remedies to target the particular neurotransmitters that are out of balance for you. Our goal is to bring these to their optimal levels.

REBA testing reveals the main thing that your unconscious mind is currently struggling with and the subsequent emotional blockage that is limiting your health. Each emotion is connected to an energy center, or chakra, and each chakra has its corresponding endocrine organ (hormone producing organ).  Not all traumas need to be consciously remembered or unearthed. We can process or digest some traumatic blockage in our sub-conscious mind and through our dreams. Using Rubimed remedies allows the mind to work through trauma in the symbolic world of dreams, which allows your conscious mind to understand and gain perspective on what has been getting in your way.

       When the neurotransmitters are balanced, the trauma that a person has experienced can then be processed through dreams. Many of my clients talk about the vivid dreams that they experience as the remedies take effect. We can look at this as the brain becoming balanced, and then the body being able to process at a higher level again to flush out the stress that we have been carrying around.

Clients who are dealing with these challenges have found great benefit from REBA testing and its remedies. 

Indicated for:

Lack of energy, low motivation, inability to unwind or relax, feeling overwhelmed, tension headaches menopausal symptoms, PMS, insomnia, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Fibromyalgia, PTSD, eating disorders, chronic pain, traumatic memory loss / dissociation.

Psychokinesiology testing

Psychokinesiology testing uses similar principles as REBA testing but is performed without the use of any devices. It uses muscle testing to measure the body's reaction to any remedy or food the person wishes to assess. It can be practiced by anyone and the client can be given tools to practice psychokinesiology measurements on their own. 

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